Latest earthquakes near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia, Western today

Complete overview of the latest earthquakes near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia, Western, Sri Lanka, updated every minute. Did you feel an earthquake today in Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia? If an earthquake is happening right now near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia (also known as දෙහිවල-ගල්කිස්ස), it will show up within minutes.

All earthquakes Any magnitude
Major only Magnitude 4+
In 1 sec.
Earthquakes appear here a few minutes after occurring.
List of latest earthquakes near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia.
Date and Time Magnitude Distance
Sep 24, 2021 01:18
M 4.5 173 km SW
from Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia

Map of Latest Earthquakes near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia

Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia Earthquake Statistics

Average Earthquakes:
0 Yearly
Within 300 km, Mag 4+, last 10 years
Latest Earthquake:
Mag 4.5
Sep 24, 2021 01:18


A total of 1 earthquake with a magnitude of four or above have struck within 300 km (186 mi) of Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia, Western in the past 10 years.

Yearly Earthquakes within 300 km (186 mi) of Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia with a magnitude of 4 or above.

Magnitude Distribution

The table below visualizes the distribution of all earthquakes that occurred within 300km of Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia in the past 10 years. No earthquakes with a magnitude of 5 or above have occurred near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia during this time. Usually, higher magnitudes are less common than lower magnitudes. Small earthquakes with a magnitude below 4 on the Richter scale have been omitted from this overview.

Earthquakes by magnitude near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia (past 10 years).
Magnitude Earthquakes Percentage
Mag. 4 1 100.0%
Mag. 5 0 0.0%
Mag. 6 0 0.0%
Mag. 7 0 0.0%
Mag. 8 0 0.0%
Mag. 9 0 0.0%
Mag. 10 0 0.0%

Strongest earthquakes near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia

Strongest in 10 years:
Mag 4.5
On Sep 24, 2021 01:18.
Strongest since 1900:
Mag 4.5
On Sep 24, 2021 01:18.

The strongest recent earthquake of the past 10 years near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia occurred on Sep 24, 2021 01:18 local time (Asia/Colombo timezone). It had a magnitude of 4.5 and struck 173 kilometers (107 mi) south-west of Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia, at a depth of 10 km. Discover more strong earthquakes near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia in the list below.

In the table below you will find the strongest earthquakes that occurred near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia, Western in the past 10 years. You can use the tabs to find the heaviest historic earthquakes since the year 1900 or within a specific year or distance from Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia.

Last 10 yrs All magnitudes
2023 All mag
Historic M6+ since 1900
List of strongest earthquakes near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia.
Date and Time Magnitude Distance
Sep 24, 2021 01:18
M 4.5 173 km SW
from Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia

Map of Strongest Earthquakes near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia

Nearest earthquakes from Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia

These are the earthquakes with their epicenter nearest to Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia, Western. You can use the buttons to find nearby earthquakes for a specific year or with a specific magnitude.

List of nearest earthquakes from Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia.
Date and Time Magnitude Distance
Sep 24, 2021 01:18
M 4.5 173 km SW
from Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia

Map of Nearest Earthquakes from Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia

Frequently Asked Questions

These questions are commonly asked in relation to earthquakes occurring near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia.

When was the last earthquake in Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia, Western?

A 4.5 magnitude earthquake hit near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia on the night of September 24, 2021 at 01:18 local time (Asia/Colombo). The center of this earthquake was located 173km southwest of Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia at a depth of 10km under land. Check the list on our website for any earthquakes occurring near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia, Western in the past hours.

What was the strongest earthquake near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia, Western?

A 4.5 magnitude earthquake hit near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia on the night of September 24, 2021 at 01:18 local time (Asia/Colombo). The center of this earthquake was located 173km southwest of Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia at a depth of 10km under land. This is the strongest earthquake that occurred near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia since the year 1900.

How often do earthquakes occur near Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia, Western?

In the past 10 years, 1 earthquakes with a magnitude of four or higher occurred within a 300 kilometer range from Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia. This averages to 0 earthquakes yearly, or one earthquake every 3650 days.