Written by on . Last updated March 10th, 2025.

In the early afternoon of Friday February 28th, 2025, a significant M5.0 earthquake hit under land 6 kilometer from Ciudad de Huitzuco in Mexico.

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Earthquake Summary

The earthquake struck on land in Mexico, 6 kilometer (4 mi) north of Ciudad de Huitzuco in Guerrero. The center of this earthquake had a quite shallow depth of 61 km. Shallow earthquakes usually have a larger impact than earthquakes deep in the earth.

Date and Time: Feb 28, 2025 13:39 (Mexico City Time)
- Feb 28, 2025 19:39 Universal Time.
Location: 6 km north of Ciudad de Huitzuco, Guerrero, Mexico.
Coordinates 18°21'16"N 99°20'5"W.
Map: Map of area around epicenter.
Map of area around epicenter. Click to open in Google Maps.
Magnitude: MAG 5.0
Detected by 20 stations. Maximum Error Range ±0.069 .
Depth: 61 km (38 mi)
A quite shallow depth.
Tsunami Risk: Tsunami very unlikely
While this was a shallow earthquake, it appears to have occurred under land with a magnitude not strong enough to cause tsunami's.
Always stay cautious - More info here.

Nearby towns and cities

This earthquake may have been felt in Mexico . The closest significant population center near the earthquake is Ciudad de Huitzuco in Guerrero, Mexico. Ciudad de Huitzuco is located 6 kilometer (4 mi) north of the epicenter.

Major cities near this earthquake: Mexico City is located 121 km to the north. Iztapalapa is located 115 km to the north-northeast. Ecatepec de Morelos is located 142 km to the north.

An overview of nearby towns and cities is available in the overview below.

Overview of nearby places

Distance Place
6 km (4 mi)
S from epicenter
Ciudad de Huitzuco

Guerrero, Mexico.
22 km (14 mi)
W from epicenter
Iguala de la Independencia

Guerrero, Mexico.
29 km (18 mi)
N from epicenter
Puente de Ixtla

Morelos, Mexico.
33 km (21 mi)
NNE from epicenter

Morelos, Mexico.
36 km (22 mi)
NW from epicenter
Taxco de Alarcón

Guerrero, Mexico.
36 km (22 mi)
NNE from epicenter

Morelos, Mexico.
37 km (23 mi)
NNE from epicenter

Morelos, Mexico.
38 km (24 mi)
NNE from epicenter

Morelos, Mexico.
42 km (26 mi)
NNE from epicenter
Santa Rosa Treinta

Morelos, Mexico.
49 km (30 mi)
NNE from epicenter

Morelos, Mexico.
56 km (35 mi)
NNE from epicenter
Emiliano Zapata

Morelos, Mexico.
57 km (35 mi)
W from epicenter

Guerrero, Mexico.
57 km (35 mi)
N from epicenter

Morelos, Mexico.
59 km (37 mi)
NNE from epicenter
Tres de Mayo

Morelos, Mexico.
61 km (38 mi)
NNE from epicenter

Morelos, Mexico.
63 km (39 mi)
ENE from epicenter

Morelos, Mexico.
65 km (40 mi)
N from epicenter

Morelos, Mexico.
65 km (40 mi)
NW from epicenter
Ixtapan de la Sal

México, Mexico.
65 km (40 mi)
NNE from epicenter

Morelos, Mexico.
66 km (41 mi)
NE from epicenter

Morelos, Mexico.
86 km (53 mi)
SSE from epicenter
Chilapa de Álvarez

Guerrero, Mexico.
91 km (57 mi)
S from epicenter

Guerrero, Mexico.
96 km (60 mi)
ENE from epicenter
Izúcar de Matamoros

Puebla, Mexico.
103 km (64 mi)
NNE from epicenter

Mexico City, Mexico.
106 km (66 mi)
N from epicenter

Mexico City, Mexico.
109 km (68 mi)
NNE from epicenter

Mexico City, Mexico.
109 km (68 mi)
N from epicenter
Magdalena Contreras

Mexico City, Mexico.
109 km (68 mi)
NNW from epicenter

México, Mexico.
110 km (68 mi)
NNE from epicenter

México, Mexico.
112 km (70 mi)
N from epicenter

Mexico City, Mexico.
113 km (70 mi)
N from epicenter
Álvaro Obregón

Mexico City, Mexico.
115 km (71 mi)
N from epicenter
Benito Juárez

Mexico City, Mexico.
115 km (71 mi)
NNE from epicenter

Mexico City, Mexico.
116 km (72 mi)
N from epicenter
Colonia del Valle

Mexico City, Mexico.
117 km (73 mi)
NNE from epicenter

México, Mexico.
118 km (73 mi)
NNE from epicenter

Mexico City, Mexico.
121 km (75 mi)
N from epicenter
Miguel Hidalgo

Mexico City, Mexico.
121 km (75 mi)
NNE from epicenter
Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl

México, Mexico.
121 km (75 mi)
N from epicenter
Mexico City

Mexico City, Mexico.
123 km (76 mi)
N from epicenter

Mexico City, Mexico.
124 km (77 mi)
N from epicenter
Venustiano Carranza

Mexico City, Mexico.
125 km (78 mi)
NNE from epicenter
Santa María Chimalhuacán

México, Mexico.
125 km (78 mi)
N from epicenter
Naucalpan de Juárez

México, Mexico.
127 km (79 mi)
N from epicenter

Mexico City, Mexico.
129 km (80 mi)
N from epicenter
Gustavo Adolfo Madero

Mexico City, Mexico.
133 km (83 mi)
N from epicenter

México, Mexico.
134 km (83 mi)
N from epicenter
Ciudad López Mateos

México, Mexico.
141 km (88 mi)
ENE from epicenter

Puebla, Mexico.
142 km (88 mi)
N from epicenter
Ecatepec de Morelos

México, Mexico.
144 km (89 mi)
N from epicenter
Cuautitlán Izcalli

México, Mexico.
161 km (100 mi)
NE from epicenter

Tlaxcala, Mexico.
175 km (109 mi)
ESE from epicenter
Ciudad de Huajuapan de León

Oaxaca, Mexico.
178 km (111 mi)
SSW from epicenter
Acapulco de Juárez

Guerrero, Mexico.
206 km (128 mi)
NNE from epicenter
Pachuca de Soto

Hidalgo, Mexico.
245 km (152 mi)
NW from epicenter

Michoacán, Mexico.
272 km (169 mi)
NNW from epicenter
Santiago de Querétaro

Querétaro, Mexico.
286 km (178 mi)
ENE from epicenter
Xalapa de Enríquez

Veracruz, Mexico.
287 km (178 mi)
NNW from epicenter

Guanajuato, Mexico.
Cities and Towns around the epicenter of this earthquake.

Shaking reported by 36 people

People that feel an earthquake may report their experience to the US Geographic Survey. Currently, 36 people have reported shaking in 20 places, all within Mexico.We keep updating this article as more ground reports become available. You may report that you felt this earthquake here.

Places with most reports:

  • Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico: 12 people.
  • Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico: 4 people.
  • Naucalpan, México, Mexico: 2 people.
  • Coatepec (San Bartolomé Coatepec), México, Mexico: 2 people.
  • Tlayacapan, Morelos, Mexico: 1 person.
  • Toluca, México, Mexico: 1 person.
  • Tlalnepantla, México, Mexico: 1 person.
  • Tenancingo, México, Mexico: 1 person.
  • López Mateos, México, Mexico: 1 person.
  • Los Reyes, México, Mexico: 1 person.

Aftershocks detected

Since this main shock, 1 smaller aftershock was detected. A 3.3 magnitude earthquake hit 3 days later 97 km (60 mi) west of this earthquake.

In the days before this main shock, 3 smaller foreshocks were detected. Nearby this earthquake a foreshock struck 2 days earlier. It measured a magnitude of 3.2

Overview of foreshocks and aftershocks

Classification Magnitude When Where
Foreshock M 3.2 2 days earlier
Feb 26, 2025 16:23 (Mexico City Time)
79 km (49 mi)
SW from Main Shock.
Foreshock M 3.1 23 hrs earlier
Feb 27, 2025 14:35 (Mexico City Time)
71 km (44 mi)
WSW from Main Shock.
Foreshock M 3.0 13 hrs earlier
Feb 28, 2025 00:37 (Mexico City Time)
99 km (62 mi)
W from Main Shock.
Main Shock
This Earthquake
M 5.0 Feb 28, 2025 13:39
(Mexico City Time)
Aftershock M 3.3 3 days later
Mar 3, 2025 02:29 (Mexico City Time)
97 km (60 mi)
W from Main Shock.
Detected MAG2.5+ earthquakes within within 100km (62 mi), that occurred in the three days before and after the main shock.

More earthquakes coming?

Aftershocks are usually at least 1 order of magnitude less strong than main shocks. The more time passes, the smaller the chance and likely strength of any potential aftershocks.

In only six percent of cases, significant earthquakes are followed by a larger main shock, making the current earthquake a foreshock. While the chance of this happening is not so large, it is adviced to maintain cautiousness in the hours and days following a major earthquake.

Read: How to Stay Safe during an Earthquake (cdc.gov).

Earthquakes like this happen often in the region

Earthquakes of this strength are very common in the region. This is the strongest earthquake to hit since December 15th, 2024, when a 5 magnitude earthquake hit 262 km (163 mi) further south-southeast. An even stronger magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck on February 16th, 2018.

In total, 57 earthquakes with a magnitude of 5 or higher have been registered within 300km (186 mi) of this epicenter in the past 10 years. This comes down to an average of once every 2 months.

Tsunami very unlikely

DISCLAIMER: We strongly suggest to closely monitor advice from local authorities with regards to tsunami risks. Our analysis is based on automatically collected data from external sources, and these might contain mistakes. In addition, earthquakes can cause landslides that may lead to a tsunami, or be a followed by another, potentially stonger, earthquake.

While MAG-6.5+ earthquakes may cause tsunami's, it appears that the epicenter of this earthquake hit under land. In addition, the reported depth is deeper than 100km, making the risk of a tsunami even less likely. However always stay cautious and monitor advice from local authorities.

Tsunami Risk Factors

Factor Under Sea? MAG-6.5 or stronger? Shallow depth?
Explanation Almost all tsunami's are caused by earthquakes with their epicenter under sea or very near the sea. However stay cautious in coastal areas as earthquakes on land may cause landslides into sea, potentially still causing a local tsunami. Under MAG 6.5: Very unlikely to cause a tsunami.
MAG 6.5 to 7.5: Destructive tsunami's do occur, but are uncommon. Likely to observe small sea level changes.
MAG 7.6+: Earthquakes with these magnitudes might produce destructive tsunami's.
Most destructive tsunami's are caused by shallow earthquakes with a depth between 0 and 100km under the surface of the earth. Deeper tsunami's are unlikely to displace to ocean floor.
This Earthquake Not this earthquake.
This earthquake appears to have struck on land far from any coast.
Not this earthquake.
This earthquake had a magnitude of 5. Earthquakes of this strength are unlikely to trigger a tsunami.
This earthquake occurred at a depth of of 61 km (38 mi). Earthquakes this shallow could trigger a tsunami.


Last updated 10/03/25 20:28 (). As more information on this earthquake becomes available this article will be updated. This article is automatically composed based on data originating from multiple sources.

  1. US Geographic Society (USGS): Earthquake us6000pw5b
  2. European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC): Earthquake 20250228_0000211
  3. Geonames.org: World Cities Database
  4. Google Maps: Static API
  5. Earthquakelist.org: Historic Earthquakes Database

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