Latest earthquakes near Androy, Madagascar today

Complete overview of the latest earthquakes near Androy, Madagascar, updated every minute. Did you feel an earthquake today in Androy? If an earthquake is happening right now near Androy, it will show up within minutes.

All earthquakes Any magnitude
Major only Magnitude 4+
In 1 sec.
Earthquakes appear here a few minutes after occurring.
List of latest earthquakes near Androy.
Date and Time Magnitude Location
Sep 18, 2024 03:25
M 5.2 134 km ESE
from Ambovombe

Map of Latest Earthquakes near Androy

Recent Androy Earthquake News

These are the latest articles published related to earthquakes occurring near Androy. Check our Earthquake News section for a complete overview of articles written on earthquakes near Androy and elsewhere.

Androy Earthquake Statistics

Average Earthquakes:
0 Yearly
Within 300 km, Mag 4+, last 10 years
Latest Earthquake:
Mag 5.2
Sep 18, 2024 03:25


A total of 1 earthquake with a magnitude of four or above have struck within 300 km (186 mi) of Androy, Madagascar in the past 10 years.

Yearly Earthquakes within 300 km (186 mi) of Androy with a magnitude of 4 or above.

Magnitude Distribution

The table below visualizes the distribution of all earthquakes that occurred within 300km of Androy in the past 10 years. No earthquakes with a magnitude of 6 or above have occurred near Androy during this time. Usually, higher magnitudes are less common than lower magnitudes. Small earthquakes with a magnitude below 4 on the Richter scale have been omitted from this overview.

Earthquakes by magnitude near Androy (past 10 years).
Magnitude Earthquakes Percentage
Mag. 4 0 0.0%
Mag. 5 1 100.0%
Mag. 6 0 0.0%
Mag. 7 0 0.0%
Mag. 8 0 0.0%
Mag. 9 0 0.0%
Mag. 10 0 0.0%

Strongest earthquakes near Androy

Strongest in 10 years:
Mag 5.2
On Sep 18, 2024 03:25.
Strongest since 1900:
Mag 5.2
On Sep 18, 2024 03:25.

The strongest recent earthquake of the past 10 years near Androy occurred on Sep 18, 2024 03:25 local time (Indian/Antananarivo timezone). It had a magnitude of 5.2 and struck 134 kilometers (83 mi) east-southeast of Ambovombe, at a depth of 10 km. Discover more strong earthquakes near Androy in the list below.

In the table below you will find the strongest earthquakes that occurred near Androy, Madagascar in the past 10 years. You can use the tabs to find the heaviest historic earthquakes since the year 1900 or within a specific year or distance from Androy.

Last 10 yrs All magnitudes
2023 All mag
Historic M6+ since 1900
List of strongest earthquakes near Androy.
Date and Time Magnitude Location
Sep 18, 2024 03:25
M 5.2 134 km ESE
from Ambovombe

Map of Strongest Earthquakes near Androy

Earthquakes by city in Androy

Click the links below for earthquake reports for major places in Androy, Madagascar.

Use this regional Androy earthquake report for earthquakes that were felt in smaller towns and cities in the region, including Tsiombe and Beloha.

Frequently Asked Questions

These questions are commonly asked in relation to earthquakes occurring near Androy.

When was the last earthquake in Androy, Madagascar?

A 5.2 magnitude earthquake hit near Androy on the night of September 18, 2024 at 03:25 local time (Indian/Antananarivo). The center of this earthquake was located 134km east-southeast of Ambovombe at a depth of 10km under water in the Indian Ocean. Check the list on our website for any earthquakes occurring near Androy, Madagascar in the past hours.

What was the strongest earthquake near Androy, Madagascar?

A 5.2 magnitude earthquake hit near Androy on the night of September 18, 2024 at 03:25 local time (Indian/Antananarivo). The center of this earthquake was located 134km east-southeast of Ambovombe at a depth of 10km under water in the Indian Ocean. This is the strongest earthquake that occurred near Androy since the year 1900.

How often do earthquakes occur near Androy, Madagascar?

In the past 10 years, 1 earthquakes with a magnitude of four or higher occurred within a 300 kilometer range from Androy. This averages to 0 earthquakes yearly, or one earthquake every 3650 days.